Building Up, Not Tearing Down- 2 Corinthians 13:10

The goal of everything, all that Paul is about, is the betterment of the church at Corinth. Despite some very real problems there, he is hopeful that good things will come to them.

In Jer. 1:9-10 – the message he delivers is of God’s coming judgment due to the nations disobedience. But he also offers a glimmer of hope of what God is building, what He is planning for His people – a message similar to that in 2 Cor.

The overriding goal here at DP is to provide an atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth and wellness. People who have come here in the last few years have told us they find that atmosphere here which has caused them to join themselves to us. Your soundness, your wellness in your soul is our plan for every person here.

There is danger in sugar coating the very real dangers of sinful conduct, ignoring its ramifications and consequences. That will not happen here as long as the current leadership is in place. Look at Heb. 10:26-31. This is a warning to the people of God. Verse 29 – “how much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled underfoot the Son of God.”

In verse 23 he tells us to “hold fast the confession of our hope without waving for He who promises is faithful.” We can depend upon God to deliver what He has promised. So we need to stay the course.

What does this look like? A group that is characterized by:
Spiritual vitality
Kingdom focused
Growing in Christ
Church participating
Prayer devoted
Faithful today.

We can be victorious!
We can overcome and persevere!
We can find His favor, His help!

Take every thought captive to obey Christ, 2 Cor. 10:3-5.


Sermon by Tony Mauck

Watch on Vimeo

Free 10 Day Spiritual Guide

Decker Prairie offers this 10 day guide as a way to introduce important concepts from Scripture. We hope it is a blessing to you on your journey to greater faith in God.