The Day Peter Walked On Water- Matthew 14:28

In John 14, John the Baptist has been murdered, Jesus is looking for solace and yet the ministry is pressing upon Him, and the feeding of the 5000+.

What do we usually say about this story?
⁃ Did he become afraid?
⁃ Did his faith waiver?
⁃ Did he take his eyes off the Lord?

Yes to all. So apparently he failed. if so, how can we still be comforted by this story?

1. He cried out to the Lord for help. God alone can save us.
2. Peter dared to get out of the boat. He’s bold and determined.
3. The eleven who stayed in the boat; we don’t talk about them. They let Peter experience the failure alone.

Is it time for you to take God by the hand and go for a walk? Some will criticize as it may not be perfect. The criticism ma6 well come from those still in the boat

1. Leadership can have its costs. You put yourself out there, you’re subject to criticism. There will be challenges, there will be mistakes, things you could’ve said better. That being said, the rewards of leadership far outweigh the criticisms. The support by so many trumps the criticism by so few.
2. No one can claim freedom from failure. Many times you come away saying I wish I would’ve said this instead, I could’ve said that better.
3. Faith is not a constant. But you don’t give up. You keep striving.
4. Our High Priest is merciful, He sympathizes. I’ve messed this up but it’s not over. God will forgive, help me to be better.
5. Keep your eyes riveted on Jesus as you walk.

The real failure would be taking your eyes off of Jesus. Our journey is all about Him. He has a plan for each of us. We have to trust in Him and keep striving.


Sermon by Tony Mauck

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