Unless Your Righteousness Surpasses- Matt. 5:20

If there is one section of scripture you need to familiarize yourself, measure yourself, it would be the sermon on the mount, Matt. 5-7. You get this right in your heart, in your life, you will go to heaven.

Seek first the kingdom of God, our theme for this year, is from here.

Matt. 5:20 – “unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Righteousness is about doing the things that are right by God’s measurement. Before this He has talked about the law and the prophets. The law was so important that Jesus said not even the smallest stroke of the law would go unfulfilled.

Does that mean we just need to keep the rules better than those groups? Maybe we need to keep them more consistently than they did? Do a little more, dig a little deeper. No, that’s not it. We should not be focused on checking the boxes. “I was here three times this week.” Check. “I took the Lord’s Supper this week.” Check. Great, but how has that affected my behavior? The Pharisees checked a lot of boxes.

What He is talking about is an entirely different approach than they took. “Therefore you are to be perfect just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” That sure sounds like checking the boxes. But He says things before this like “if someone wants to sue you give them your coat also.” What kind of righteousness is that?

The standard of righteous Jesus is commending is not that of man but that of God. He is the standard. We don’t measure ourselves against others.

3 approaches people take with God’s commands:
1. Perfect obedience. This doesn’t work, has never worked and that is addressed all throughout the New Testament. If this is the way, we’re all without hope. Only Jesus did this.

2. Cheap grace, meaning all behavior is covered, no matter how destructive. Righteousness is minimized. This is the other end of the spectrum from perfect obedience.

3. The right approach is that we must regard Jesus as Savior, King and Lord and we must surrender to Him, putting all our confidence and trust in Him. You do this and your righteousness will exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees. The wise man builds his house upon this rock, Jesus our Savior.

Matt. 10:40-42. Now we can read this passage and understand what Jesus means. The reward of the righteousness. Matt. 10:42 has been a puzzle to many. Just a cup of cold water? That’s all I need to do? No, it’s about your heart, WHY you do what you do.

The scribes and Pharisees lost sight of God. Can we do that? Even if we show up every week? We sure can.

So what is our religion all about? Who is it all about? Here is what we need to focus on:

Who am I on the inside? Am I God focused? Where are my affections, aspirations, aims? Who are am I trying to please?

Am I allowing God to lead and direct? Do I know my place? And then, how do I regard others? Who are you trusting to save?

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

The godly person tends to the inner man.
Commit to the true, highest course.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
You will see heaven.


Sermon by Tony Mauck

Watch on Vimeo

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