Your behavior is On You- Psalm 106

The powerful God we read about in the scriptures is still at work, still as powerful. He is working among us.

In Psalm 114, Is found a story referenced iin Numbers 20:8-13. Moses and Aaron bring forth water from a rock, after Moses struck it twice. God chastised them saying they had stopped believing in Him to test Him as holy. They were barred from entering the land promised to the Israelites because they did not obey, having been told to speak to the rock.

Our spiritual plight is usually connected to our inability to remember. When the people entered the land they did not destroy the people as God had commanded. Instead they mingled with them and even sacrificed their children to their gods.

Psalm 106:32-33. They also provoked Him to wrath at the waters of Meribah … so that it went heard with Moses on their account.

Cause and effect. Because they rejected His spirit, he spoke rashly with his lips. Title of this lesson is actually my behavior is on me. Moses, your behavior is on you. What we struggle with is we like to make excuses for our less than stellar conduct.

The effect for Moses could have been blamed on the people but it was Moses who made the mistake, in spite of their influence upon him. It was no different with Adam and Eve. Adam’s decision to also eat could have been blamed upon Eve but he made his own decision. We don’t get off the hook because someone else messed up first.

Tit for tat is not a Christian trait, is not found anywhere in the Bible. If someone asks us to go one mile, we go with them two.

Seek first His kingdom means I am bound to higher standards. I will not blame others. I will own up to my own decisions.

But there are people who are truly victims. Some of our number have been raised in horrific circumstances. They could say they have an excuse. Those thinking as they should however say they will be determined to not let that define who they are.


1. You need to fight to maintain perspective. Moses lost sight of who it was really all about. We can do the same.
2. Involve the King. When you feel yourself wanting to respond tit for tat, first, before anything else happens, involve the King. Say a quick prayer. Escalation happens in a moment. That’s what happened to Moses. It’s hard to take just a moment to ask God for help.
3. Keep a cool spirit. Again, not easy to do.
4. Own your failings, even if others do not. Many people won’t admit the truth about their conduct. Doesn’t matter. Peter did that. So can we.

My behavior is on me!


Sermon by Tony Mauck

Watch on Vimeo

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